Sarb's Media Site


Anchorage- When a sound text gives meaning to a visual text.

Conventions- The things that make up a genre, things you usually find.

Genre- French for "Type"

Sub-Genre- Separate category in a genre e.g. "Romantic Comedy"

Hybrid-Genre- Separate genres joined - e.g. "Alien"- horror and sci-fi.

Tag lines- Phrase or slogan used in media such as film or advertising.

Deconstruct- To unpack or tear apart.

Realism- Creating a world we can believe in.

Themes- Ideas which are explored.

Diegetic Sound- Things the characters can hear.

Non-diegetic sound- Voice-over/ Background music.

Plausibility- Not entirely realistic.

Verisiniltude- How convincing the surface details are.

Logic- When something makes sense.