Sarb's Media Site

Sin City

The reasons I think Sin City is a film noir film is because of the following:
- Black and White- also contains little colour in various places (neo noir)
- A woman which looks to be a Femme Fatale
- A man who looks to be a Protagonist
- Urban Environment
- Gun
- Voice Over
- Contrast
- Slang Language
- Venetian Blinds
- Police Officer- Scars on face, smokes
- Chirascuro Lighting
- Flash-back
- Cross-Cutting



German Expresionist

A German film movement from the 1920's. Following World War I, the German film industry found it difficult to create movies that could compare with the extravagant features coming from hollywood. German Filmmakers developed their own style by using symbolism and artistic mise en scene to add mood and deeper meaning to a movie.

'M' by Fritz Lang

Looks like he has two sides to his character because there is a mirror showin a reflection of him. This shows two pictures of him therefore he must have two sides to his character. Very dark and scary settings.